Cool Yule...

by Will Bullas
Cool Yule...
Will Bullas
Painting - Watercolor.
Go ahead and laugh! You know it'll be here before you know it!!
March 29th, 2010
Similar Subjects
Comments (11)

Jacek Dudzinski
Excellent work! I love it! What an inspiration. Your feedback of my artwork would be precious!

Jacek Dudzinski
Amazing work. I love it! If you have a sec, please let me know what you think about my images. I really want to progress with my knowledge

Carol Shumas
wish polar bears were as friendly as the one in your painting..just heard a story the other day about a man in a tent, that heard the sound of a polar bear, and it smashed his tent, and was 2 feet away from him and he remembered on t.v. that if he twisted or strikes the bear's snout , it would make him go away, it was a chance, but it worked nobody was harmed,